Concept Diagnostics


Some Basic Facts About Anemia

Anemia is a medical condition marked by the smaller number of red blood cells and lower concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells than it should be. Hemoglobin performs a vital role in one’s life as it carries the oxygen and supplies to all over the body. Therefore, insufficient hemoglobin leads to decreased capacity of blood to carry the oxygen to the body’s tissues. This disorder can be the result of various underlying conditions such as pregnancy, poor eating habits, iron deficiency, lack of RBC production, destruction of RBC at high rate, extreme blood loss, deficiency of nutrients, folate deficiency, vitamin B12 or A, infectious disease such as TB or malaria and cancer in rare case.

Symptoms of anemia are often not noticeable at first but common symptoms are nausea, tiredness, weakness, breathing difficulties, dizziness. As per WHO,” Anaemia is a serious global public health problem that particularly affects young children and pregnant women. WHO estimates that 42% of children less than 5 years of age and 40% of pregnant women worldwide are anaemic.”

Facts about anemia:

  • Anemia is marked by deficiency of healthy red blood cells which are not sufficient to carry enough oxygen to various organs.
  • No matter how mild the symptom of anemia is, one must take it seriously and must not brush aside. It can lead to serious medical conditions later on by impeding blood cell production.
  • The most common type of anemia is iron deficiency anemia. Hemoglobin is produced by iron. Lack of iron leads to decreased hemoglobin which gets one down to anemia. Almost 50% of anemic people are iron-deficit.
  • An anemic person experiences extreme levels of fatigue and tiredness though having a healthy respiratory system. That fatigue comes from the lack of oxygen. In conjunction, a person may have headache, feel dizzy or shortness of breath.
  • The first symptom of anemia is quite arduous to spot as it moves slowly. With the passage of time, it aggravates the situation.
  • If iron deficiency anemia is left unattended then, it can lead to serious health issues. Without enough RBC, it is pretty difficult for the body and heart to survive. Moreover, it can damage the organs in the meantime.
  • Pregnant women and women experienced heavy menses are at high risk of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Our body urges erythropoietin hormone for the production of red blood cells. This hormone vivifies the bone marrow to make cells. If this hormone is not enough then it can lead to anemia
  • Anemic people constantly crave for chewing ice cubes. Iron deficiency causes inflammation in the mouth and ice cubes help to calm the inflammation. Moreover, it also overcomes fatigue.
  • Anemia is diagnosed with a simple blood test; you don’t need to go for additional tests.

On top of everything, you must not wait for the symptoms to come up first but you should get regular health checkups. There are many conditions which invade our body with invisible symptoms and worsen our body meanwhile. When it reaches the last stage, symptoms come to the light but till then it becomes too late.

 “Regular Health Checkup Brings Fate Before It’s Too Late”